Bartering not for the fruit or the vegetable but for the knowledge of how to be a "gatherer."
I have been working on my "hunter" skills for a few years now. But the whole package of self- sufficiency requires "Hunting and Gathering."
My goal is to be self sufficient in five years. I'm learning how to harness solar power, and other skills that make it so I am not "dependent" on outside energy.
This is something I have been working on since the fall of 2008 when I believe our country took a wrong turn. I won't get political; just practical as I saw the writing on the wall that hunting would be an endangered activity and gun ownership was going to be troublesome.
So here is the deal:
I have a 20 pheasant bird card at a local club that I will be able to start using this late fall.
You, if you are reading this own a Hungarian Pointer; one of the best upland bird dogs around.
I have Bailey as my hunting partner. We are a good pheasant hunting team.
You want either to be part of a pheasant hunt or bring your Hungarian Pointer on a hunt.
I have everything it takes to do a hunt at Hastings Island. You (and your dog) can be my guest.
You have KNOWLEDGE about growing fruits and vegetables that I would like to possess.
My barter: One day pheasant hunt with Bailey and a dressed out pheasant for one day of showing me how to use my little 1/4 acre suburban plot to grow fruits and vegetables.
I could spend A LOT of money on plants and trees and kill them or produce lousy produce. I could hire someone to show me how to do it. OR I could use the age old system of barter.
Barter is another skill I'd like to get very good at.
That's the deal.
Next barter item: Canning for pheasant. Want to learn the art of canning all the fruits and vegetables I will be growing.
5 years ago
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