Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Vizsla Video - 15,000 have viewed redbirddog

The above video about the Vizsla was produced and released in 2007.

Since mid-2009, I have been blogging here at redbirddog.

15,000 times people have come to check out what strange Vizsla information or story might be posted.

32,000 pages have been read or a least pictures looked at. These are stories from what we have learned or experienced owning and caring for Chloe and Bailey.  We hope you have enjoyed the stories and pictures.

This blog was patterned after the way author, Ted Kerasote wrote "Merle's Door: Lessons from a Freethinking Dog,".

The book is a mixture of stories and facts about his dog Merle, and dogs in general.

 It made for a great read.  I learned many things about our canine friends reading this book.

 This might be the best dog book written since "Call of the Wild."

Merle's Door: Lessons from a Freethinking DogMerle's Door: Lessons from a Freethinking Dog

Every corner of the world is represented in the love of this regal breed.   The map on the right of the blog can be clicked on to show where Vizsla lovers have visited this blog from all over the world during the last 10 days.

My wife and I have just returned from a 90-minute walk up in the hills with Chloe and Bailey.  Like the embedded video explains: the Vizsla will stay around and not get lost.  Now they are asleep next to me on the couch as I post this. 

My red dogs could not be happier and neither could I.

Happy trails and trials and watch for more posts over the coming months.

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