Thursday, January 20, 2011

Protest against pure breeds at dog show in SF

Russian Soviets in 1945 thought mutts were the only kind of dogs people should own. 
The Hungarian Vizsla was a symbol that represented the Austria-Hungarian royalty.  The Soviet Army overthrew Hungary in 1944.  If you were Hungarian at the time, it was not good for your health or finances to own a Vizsla. 
According to one account, people who owned Vizslas were taxed 25% of their total income per dog during the ensuing years under Russian rule

The royalty is what the communists had overthrown in Russia in 1917, and the pure-bred hunting dog was the symbol of the aristocrat's power.

This part of the Vizsla's history fascinates me and is one of the reasons I got this breed.  A dog breed that goes back 1,000+ years was almost completely eliminated because of a political agenda.
In San Francisco, a modern-day version of this theme will be expressed on
January 29th.

Here is the call for action by a group called:
United For Animals

"Protest against GOLDEN GATE KENNEL CLUB dog show!"

WHEN: Saturday, January 29 · 12:00pm - 3:00pm

Sunday, January 30 · 12:00pm - 3:00pm

WHERE: Cow Palace   2600 Geneva Avenue  Daly City, CA

DETAILS: Signs, banners and leaflets provided.

"PLEASE WEAR ALL BLACK and LEAVE YOUR COMPANION ANIMALS AT HOME PLEASE. Bring extra dog collars and leashes for display!

We will have a "body bag" display to symbolize the 3-4 millions of animals killed at shelters because of breeding. We will also have someone in a dog costume and a "euthanasia technician".

Our message will be that not only can you rescue pure bred dogs from shelters and rescue groups, but more importantly, it is not about what the dog looks like!

People adopt animals because of the joy, love and complete loyalty they provide us, completing our lives and filling them with happiness.

If people who buy dogs from breeders "love the breed" they would not contribute to the death and suffering of dogs in shelters of that same breed.

Please come out and be a voice for these animals and let people know that breeders KILL shelter dogs' chances at LIFE!"

This group should have read the SF Chronicle article about breeding and dog ownership published just a few weeks ago:

Yogi in England

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