Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Straight talk about canine intestinal worms...

“Straight talk about canine intestinal worms and how they can affect your hunting dog’s performance”.


One of those subjects that we really need to keep in mind.  Bailey and Chloe spend many hours a week in open fields with ponds, streams, cows, other dogs and wild life. 

The chances for them coming in contact with heartworm and intestinal worms is fairly great.

Good videos put together by Safeguard.

Types of Canine Intestinal Parasites

By Sophie Stillwell, eHow Contributor .

Types of Canine Intestinal Parasites

Mary Van der Byl, www.sxc.hu/profile/mavdbyl

Many different types of canine intestinal parasites can infect your dog.

Because different types of canine intestinal parasites can present the same symptoms, it is important to find out which parasite has infected your dog in order to find an effective treatment.


Protozoans are single cell parasites. Common canine protozoan infections include giardia, isospora, and cryptosporidium. Each of these canine parasites can cause diarrhea or watery stools in a dog.

They are usually passed on by a dog eating the feces of another dog or by stepping in the feces and licking it off the paws. Most dogs build up a natural immunity to protozoans over time and puppies are most likely to show symptoms of this type of canine parasite.


Flukes are a canine parasite that affects dogs in certain areas of the northwestern or mid-western United States and central Canada. Dogs pick up this parasite by eating raw fresh water salmon, snails or crustaceans such as crayfish.

They can infect the intestines and sometimes the brain of an infected dog. They often go undiagnosed because there aren't many symptoms present until a brain infection is lethal.

Tape Worms

Tape worms are a canine intestinal parasite passed on by a dog eating the feces or raw flesh of an infected animal, such as another dog, a cat, or a wild animal.

Tape worms can also be passed on by eating raw fish or a flea that is carrying the eggs of the parasite. Tape worms shed segments of themselves into the feces and the eggs are contained within these segments. Dogs infected with the parasite experience occasional diarrhea and may have unexpected weight loss.

Other Worms

Other worms that can infect a dog include roundworms, hookworms and whipworms. Each of these canine parasites can be transmitted by a dog eating the feces of another infected dog.

Hookworms can also be transmitted through the skin on the paws, and roundworms can be passed from a pregnant dog to her unborn pups. The most common sign of infection is bloody or loose stools with mucous present. Puppies will also often have bloated tummies when they are infected with roundworms.


Some canine intestinal parasites can be fatal. If your dog's stool appearance has changed, particularly if he has diarrhea or bloody stools, you should have him tested and treated right away.

Read more: Types of Canine Intestinal Parasites


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