Sunday, May 27, 2012

Internet Vizslas - Beware!

Please don't buy Vizslas over the Internet.

 People can make themselves sound so good!  Buyer beware.


Frank Popolizio issued a press release today, entitled
 "South Side Dogs Owner Frank Popolizio Announces Rise in Vizsla Ownership".

Except: Worcester, NY, May 26, 2012 --(" Owner and founder of South Side Dogs, Frank Popolizio has recently announced that his organization has seen a great surge in demand for Vizslas. The Vizsla breed’s popularity stems primarily from their highly affectionate nature, which makes the animal the ideal family pet for those with small children, in addition to those looking for a robust dog that just loves to run with their owner.

The Viszla breed originated within the greater Hungarian Kingdom, and is one of the oldest dog breeds emanating from that region of the world. Vizslas are extremely rare in modern day because they were previously held closely by nobility due to their statuesque physique and calm nature. In fact, until the early 1940s, few of these animals ever left Hungary. But as more and more dog lovers discover the breed, Viszla ownership levels are rising across North America...."


RBD note: The press release by goes on with a glowing report of the South Side Dogs operation.  I will not pass on the rest of the article but you can Google South Side Dogs or Southside Farms.

People may actually call or e-mail them.  

Four short months ago:
Except: January 24, 2012
WORCESTER, N.Y. (WKTV) - A veterinarian, members of the Susquehanna SPCA, and a New York State Trooper removed 19 dogs from Southside Farms in Worcester on Tuesday.

Just last week, another 26 dogs were taken from the kennel.

"What concerned me was the weight and size of the animals," says State Trooper Walter Schliermann. "Quite noticeable were the ribs of the dogs and their bones were very defined and you could see the structure of the animal very easily."

At the end of December, State Police received a complaint of malnourished dogs at Southside Farms. When law enforcement first investigated, they gave the owners a deadline to make improvements. As of Tuesday, the conditions had not changed.

Now, clinicians and police are bringing the dogs out of the kennel and into a veterinarian's office to be evaluated and treated. After being examined, the animals find temporary residence in a number of other local shelters.

"What they are doing is examining the dogs, taking a look at the dogs and any issues with their weight or size or any injuries, the veterinarians are looking at and determining what dogs will be removed at that time," says Trooper Schliermann.

As the dogs were removed from the kennel, spines and protruding ribs were visibly noticeable. Clinicians pointed out that some of the tails are infected.....  (see rest of story on link)


From Yahoo Vizsla Talk Listserve: May 26, 2012

"The next court case is June 5. Please DO NOT contact the local shelter, as they are a small
organization and do not have the time nor manpower to be deluged with phone
calls again, as they were back in December. The shelter manager was sent this
article by me when it first appeared and asked what we, as a vizsla community can do. 

The dogs that were seized back in December were only the ones in medical need. This is the law. Most of them are living a wonderful life as fosters in homes.

He has been selling puppies all along advertising on many different websites. 

Horrible, yes.  Illegal no. 

Hopefully with all the press releases by the local papers, people interested will Google his name or kennel and be aware.

I will update the yahoo groups when I hear the outcome of the next trial.

These trials take place in the afternoon at about 4:30.

Again, we need to support the SPCA in their efforts with all the dogs seized. Donations are still needed. Lets not take time away from their care with the animals to have to answer calls and emails.

I will do my best as the appointed point person to keep everyone up to date.

Thank you,"

Stephanie Fischer
President and Rescue Chair
Vizsla Club of Long Island

I find it ironic that sandwiched between two stories of abused Vizslas, on my blog, is the post of how Bailey's pups are going to their new homes. 

 Hobby breeding vs. Commercial Internet selling breeding.  

Quite the difference. 

 Please support hobby breeders and avoid commercial "puppy mill" breeders. 
 If you get anything from ever reading this blog, this would be the most important part to take away, in my opinion.  


  1. I hope you don't mind, but I'm re-posting this on my blog.:)

  2. I too would like to repost with permission. So what are your feelings about the USDA's proposal for dog breeder regulations and Sharyn Hutchens's comments about it?

    Sharyn is an AKC Breeder of Merit and an officer of the Virginia Federation of Dog Clubs and Breeders.

    APHIS is proposing to revise its definition of “retail pet store” to close a loophole that has in some cases threatened the health of pets sold sight unseen over the Internet and via phone- and mail based businesses. Under the current definition of “retail pet store,” which was developed over 40 years ago and predates the Internet, some breeders selling pets are taking advantage of a loophole that improperly exempts them from meeting the basic requirements of the Animal Welfare Act. The proposed rule will close this loophole, ensuring that animals sold over the Internet and via phone- and mail-based businesses are better monitored for their overall health and humane treatment.

    I reprinted with permission Shayn's opinion piece:

  3. Donna,
    Repost is fine. My opinion on the USDA is that it should be the last resort to have government intervention. The USDA is the lap dog of the HSUS and other animal rights (read vegan) groups.

    Shared knowledge of what a good breeder is and what a bad breeder is should work in the market place. Will there be fools that will be parted from their money? Sure. Hope they buy Labs and not Vizslas.

    Knowledge is power.

    Remember the motto, "It's ok, everything is fine. We are from the government."

  4. More Dogs from this so called "breeder" at Southside Kennels are being put into rescue currently since they decided to call the state to "dispose" of them

  5. I hope everyone is doing great. We are a family from Boston who owns the liquor store and we love Vizslas. We had 2 Vizlsas in the past who we loved dearly and life wasn’t the same without them. We bought Molly from South Side Farms 13 years ago and she had a wonderful life. She was the best dog anyone could ask for-every place we went people would ask where we found such a beautiful dog. Molly was great and we were very fortunate to have a perfect Vizlsa. We decided to get another Vizlsa 4 years ago and we bought one from a local breeder. The price was $200.00 cheaper than theirs and we didn’t have to travel-so we bought her from this breeder. She never looked like Molly, and we seemed to spend a lot of time at our Vet’s for numerous reasons, and then we lost her to cancer. I’m glad we came back to South Side for our Max. He is the love of our lives! Max is great with our grandchildren and our cat has a new best friend! Thank you South Side Farm for giving us a wonderful dog who is part of our family and has made our life so happy and complete. I just wish that you all saw through this misconception.

  6. It is amazing how many times people will write a letter to complain about something but not often write a letter to give a compliment ! Well this letter is about how amazing our second Southside Vizsla is! Lucy is doing great! She is happy and sweet and exactly what we expect from Southside. I have always said, if you are looking for a perfect “show dog Vizsla” then maybe Southside is not the place for you. If you are looking for a Vizsla that is healthy, has a great disposition and a wonderful companion dog, look no further than Southside. Our Southside Sophie is 10 years old. She is just as amazing as she was when we got her from Southside….and now Lucy does not disappoint . She is just as wonderful and sweet as Sophie. Southside Vizslas still rule !!
