Tuesday, May 29, 2012

35,869 steps = 20.38 miles

Memorial Day 2012 was the day I chose to do a 20+  mile hill hike with my dogs.  I have been building up endurance over the last few years and wanted a good challenge.

Had my pedometer set and off we went at 6:30am up Elderberry Trail in The Las Trampas Wilderness Area.  A steep climb for 1.87 miles into the hills before dropping into 1 of 5 valleys we crossed.

35,869 steps later, we were back to the Jeep.

We had covered 20.38 miles in 5 hours and 10 minutes.  A good 4 miles an hour. 
The flag was still there.  First came across it three weeks ago

A great off leash hiking area for those is good physical shape.  The East Bay Regional Park District does a good job on the trails.  This walk covered streams, canyons, peaks, meadows, orchards, thick forest, open grass fields, fire trails, hand made trails, steep climbs and gentle flowing places. 

 Every half hour you would find yourself in a different environment.  The steams in mid spring are still flowing so the dogs had fresh water regularly.  Great time.  Our bodies are paying the price today.  Well worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Our young vizsla - Rozzie - is turning 3 months this Sunday and I'm anxious to slowly get her out in the hills. But I know I have to wait until her developing legs can put in the distance. Until then, I run the back side of Mission Peak to Allison and Monument Peak - great area away from people.
