Friday, July 8, 2011

Transylvanian Hound - Only Other Hungarian Hunting Dog

updated posts done August 2013:
click on link below

I had thought that the Vizsla was the only true hunting dog of Hungarian Empire royalty and nobility.  That was until I read a post on Hungarian Vizsla Forum of which I am an active member.

The Transylvanian Hound, like the Vizsla, was brought to the brink of extinction by the communists. 

The hound has not found the same success in the West as the Vizsla and may very well become extinct.

I equate the HSUS and PETA with the eastern-block Communist Party of the last century (see last post.)
An article found on the internet:
"The Transylvanian Hound, an extremely rare Transylvanian Hungarian hunter newly imported to the United States.

Until recently these dogs were unknown outside Hungary/Transylvania. This scent hound was bred in Transylvania and used by royalty and nobility to hunt bear

Sadly, after WW I (Treaty of Trianon, 1920) , the Romanian government, perceiving these dogs to be a Transylvanian Hungarian symbol, sought to exterminate the breed through official orders.

A few survived, and breeders have been carefully working to build up the breed while maintaining its high standards.
 A Transaylvanian Scent-Hound (Kopo')
Bailey - Our Hungarian Pointer (Vizsla)

When the Magyars settled in the Carpathian Basin in the ninth century, they brought hounds with them. A Magyar (Hungarian) dog Cross-bred with an indigenous dog, further crossed with the Polish hound , resulted in this breed, created for the unique climate and terrain of the Carpathians.

They are willing to hunt in forests, mountains, rivers, and in all weathers. The Carpathians are heavily forested, 'so thick that by the time a young hunter on foot walked through the woods, he would be an old man'.

Therefore, the dogs of the area were strong, bred to go after game following mounted riders.

Heavy winter snows and sultry summers required hounds that were particularly adapted to extremes of climate. In the past, they were used extensively by Hungarian kings and princes for hunting wolf and bear in the mountains.

The Transylvanian Hound is known for its keen sense of direction and orientation to the environment,vital in mountainous and forested cover.

 This is a dog without exaggeration, moderate in bone and head with tight skin and medium flat ear. Prized as an obedient, trainable, good-natured hound who is an easy keeper, he was never known outside Hungary/Transylvania.

Recent reports indicate that the Transylvanian dogs face extinction with their numbers dangerously low."

article from:

More information on the dog can be found at


  1. Your comment about communism being why there was a major decline in both breeds in incorrect. Romania became communist in 1947, after being in political turmoil for 2 years, following the end of WWII. At the time of the Treaty of Trianon, Romania was a monarchy, which continued until 1947. I'm not certain enough about the hound to comment on the reason for it's decimation, but the Vizsla was killed by Germans, not Romanians, for being a sign of Hungarian royalty in the two world wars.

    The hounds are great dogs, I wish I could get one over here! One day.


  2. "...but the Vizsla was killed by Germans, not Romanians, for being a sign of Hungarian royalty in the two world wars."

    Sarah, nothing I have ever read follows this train of thought. I'll do some more research. Hungrarias were part of the Axis power that was aligned against the Soviets. Gives me something to do this weekend.



    Sarah, Here is one of the links I was looking for. Hope you have enjoyed redbirddog.


  4. I live in Romania but I never heard about communists trying to "decimate" vizsla dog? I didnt hear it from hungarians in Harghita and Covasna either (transylvanian cities with hungarian majority) all I heard from them was that they're proud of the breed, they still have them there
    ok I did a quick research,+un+vanator+bland+si+loial

    its in romanian but it says that magyars from Hungary took many dogs to austria and US to protect from russians. I dont know..anyway I love the breed, they wouldve made good pair with bucovina shepherd dogs

  5. This is a documentary about Transylvanian Hound. Unfortunately, is in Romanian, but a lot of local Romanian breeders who are obligatory hunters are talking about this wonderful breed in this movie.

  6. There is a 3. Hungarian Hunting Dog:
    Magyar agár / Hungarian greyhound /
    Hungarian agar

  7. Anonymous,
    I stand corrected and I did actually met a rare Hungarian greyhound a couple months ago at a party for Hungarian breeds in my local area. Good looking and big hound.
