Saturday, September 12, 2009

Mountain bike trails again with Vizslas

Mountain biking with my dogs is becoming one of my favorite activities now that the weather has gotten cooler.

Seven miles of riding along the ridges and valleys of Briones Regional Park over a couple hours this morning is helping get the dogs and me in good condition for hunting season.

Some down hill runs really make Bailey and Chloe run all out. The four pictures taken rolling down a gentle slope. Some of the up slopes really gets my heart and lungs working.

Joining Chloe, Bailey, and me was John Connelly. John is here in the Bay Area for a few months on business.
John hails from the New Forest area of England and has had to leave his beloved Radar, his two-year-old male Vizsla, back home. Joining us gives him his Vizsla fix.

As I sit here writting this, Bailey and Chloe are sound asleep.


  1. How awesome- we're all very jealous & wish we had something like that around here.

  2. Hi Rod - I just love your blog...what fantastic scenery AND what handsome vizzies!! Makes me think I should be doing a blog for Radar. Juliet (John Connelly's partner!)
