Monday, September 14, 2009

Introducing Bailey to the training collar

During yesterday's "break" training up in Cotati, Bailey got introduced to the training collar (shock collar).

During the "green break training" period, Bailey is not to chase the flushed bird.

This is our fourth session on break training and it is coming along, but Bailey still has a strong desire to go after the flushed bird and retrieve it back to me.

This is what Bailey thought of the idea of the training collar.

The boy has tough skin.


  1. Rod: thanks for coming by The Regal Vizsla. I wish we had territory like yours to run the dogs.

    Be careful with the e-collar. It's all about timing and just-enough-pressure. For helping the dog learn to stand through the shot (and ideally the fall) I'd really suggest combining it with basic yardwork and be sure you're using the same command in both settings. (For example, I rarely use 'whoa' and always use 'stay' once my dogs are on point.) Vs seem to respond better to more, gentler repetitions than a couple of 'come-to-Jesus'encounters.

    Have a great fall.


  2. Andrew,
    The training collar is something I waited until my trainer, who has been doing this for 30 years, brought out and used.
    I am a believer that using the collar incorrectly could screw up an otherwise good bird dog. Glad you visited. New England looks like it has some great places.
