Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Walnut Creek California - Very Nature and Dog Friendly City

 Living in Walnut Creek California is a joy for a dog owner who enjoys hill hiking.

We just went hiking in the Shell Ridge Open Space about 5 miles from our home.  There is this new sign along the trail that discusses how in the 1970's, 2,500 acres were set aside as open space.  The most of any city in the country.  Here as long as you carry a 6' leash, and your dogs have good recall, you may hike the 31 miles of trails with the dogs off-leash.


I have hiked all 31 miles many times and posted many Redbirddog posts from these wonderful trails. 
The hills now are turning back from brown to green.  Our red bird dogs always enjoy the freedom to run with abandon in these hills.

Paco and Loezsie had a wonderful romp.  Now they are sleeping peacefully on the couch next to me.

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