Sunday, November 23, 2014

Great Fall Hill Hike - Morgan Territory


Morgan Territory Regional Park is a great get away from it all.  Up here the dogs and I can get away from all signs of civilization.  For two hours we enjoyed both the ridges and the valleys of this wonderful hidden treasure.

During the hike I reached a goal a long time in the making.  337 days ago I set my GZ One Smart phone to a Virtual Trek.  It counts your foot sets with a built in pedometer.
  I chose the Amudsen-Scott South Pole Station as my goal.  1,679.3 miles from the start. (I had already completed the other 15 shorter hike virtual treks).  My goal was to keep at a 5 mile per day pace.  It ended up being 5.0365 miles per day.  During that 337 days, Bailey, Chloe and me had some great adventures in the mountains and hills around mostly the Bay Area.

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