Saturday, January 26, 2013

Willowynd Winter Base Camp

California City is in the huge Mojave Desert. 
Camp H is where many field trials are held during the cooler months before the snakes come out with the hotter weather.
Training Vizslas in this country is a true pleasure with great terrain. A land of low hills and valleys, where a well-bred and trained Hungarian Pointer can range out and show their true hunting qualities.
Ken trains here in the area during January and February.  Great to watch him work the dogs in his charge.
"Roading" to build endurance.  This Vizsla LOVES roading.

Ken's "students of the bird" ranged from 7 months to 7 years old. 

Ramon's pup Ducati getting "birdy"

It was very enjoyable to spend a couple days "way out there" with my friend and some wonderful red bird dogs.

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