Saturday, September 8, 2012

Vizslas - 5 Months to 5 Years Old on a Viz Wiz

From left to right: Fawkes, Bo, Bailey, Louie
The picture above is of Bailey and three of his "boys" from the two liters he has sired.  Fawkes is a wonderful and confident 17-month-old.  Bo and Louie are 6-month-old goofy pups.  

10 Vizslas at the "W" tree on a Sunol Wilderness trail
After 90 minutes of walking and enjoying a wonderful stream running through the Sunol Valley, we all gathered for a group picture.  10 Vizslas ranging from a very sweet 5-month-old male to the "old lady" Chloe at 5 years old. 

 Bailey, at 4 years old, is the "old man" of this group.   

A great swimming hole just 15 minutes into the walk. 
 The pups watched the older dogs enjoying the water.

Chloe hanging out with the youngsters.  Bo and Louie up ahead.
Late fall and the landscape is very dry.  Can't wait for the rain to green  things up.
Heading back to the start after a couple hours of walking, running and playing in the  water.
A very enjoyable Saturday morning with great dogs and wonderful people.

To find out where we walk, go to the Yahoo Group: VizslaWalk
You'll have to sign up to view.


  1. The boys (Fawkes and Bo) had a great time today, as did Sam and I. The picture of Bailey and his 3 sons is very cool. Well worth the drive out--what a great group of dogs and owners!

    And Rod, thanks as always, for all you do for and with the Vizsla Community!

  2. Looked like such a fun time. Hopefully I can make it to a gathering and we could talk Vizslas. I don't own a Vizsla but am looking to get one, maybe you can give me some advice.

  3. Sure Milan. I'll post some walks in the hills on Vizslawalk a couple days in advance.
