Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hidden Treasure - Byrne-Milliron Forest Santa Cruz

This is now my new favorite "Hidden Treasure".
  Byrnes- Milliron Forest.

Review of Milliron Forest by Coastal Canine

Within 30 minutes of downtown Santa Cruz is one of the most wonderful walks I have taken in my life.
Eight of us enjoyed a great two hour walk through this Hidden Treasure created over the last 25 years by one man.  Jeff Helmer.  Jeff has been the caretaker of the forest since 1987.  
 Section taken from the trail map available at the start of the trails from the parking lot.
The notebooks, children's stories, oranges, water and little gems hidden around the forest - that's Jeff.
It's his way of saying WELCOME! - and thank you for caring for the forest that he's called home for 25 years.

A rest stop along the ridge overlooking Santa Cruz Bay

Jeff's classic Studebaker station wagon parked at the parking lot.

"Cathedral Point" is a rest stop after climbing up a beautiful canyon of  redwoods and ferns

Once you think you are there, you go up a little 10 foot wide road up the hill another mile

Look for this sign to know where to turn left.
The website for all of Santa Cruz Couny's Land Trust is  

1 comment:

  1. Hello. Came across your blog. I own two young weimaraners and will be hosting a meetup in Santa Cruz for weims/vizslas/GSPs. I'm not sure where you are located but would like to extend the invite. It will be on October 21st @ 11:00 at the Seascape Beach. Let me know if you would like more details.
