Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hungarian Government wants to shut down Kennel Club

Two sides of the debate about Hungarian Government wanting to protect its National Treasures in the Vizsla and Kopo, and an international organization wanting to hold its position in the canine world.  Interesting debate and there is more to know.  Interesting time to be a Vizsla owner or breeder in Hungary.

"From what I understand MEOE is a NGO (Non-governmental organization) intimately connected to FCI .

Nothing about it is Hungarian anymore and it is likened to a Mafia organization controlled by foreign interests. There is big money involved, since MEOE is charging pretty heavily legitimate breeders to register their dogs.

To further complicate matters Hungarian dogs, esp the Vizsla, have recently enjoyed tremendous international popularity.

This gave rise to uncontrolled breeding practices - dogs smuggled across Hungarian borders and others smuggled back for breeding. It is not MEOE's mandate to police dog/livestock breeding practices . But the government has such powers, especially when it comes to national treasures like the Vizsla.

To the Hungarian government it matters not if the FCI recognizes the Vizsla or the Kopo. What matters is the preservation of a national treasure."

- Julius

Hungarían Kennel Club (MEOE),

Considering the current situation that our member in Hungary, MEOE, is facing,

 the FCI members and the FCI General Committee wish to reiterate their full support
 to our very long-standing member that has been sharing our wonderful existence since 1933
 Talks and negotiations will take place with the Hungarian political authorities to envisage
 the future but we want to insist to the world dog community that MEOE
 can count with our unconditioned support and friendship.
H.W. Müller
FCI President

We ask all members of the FCI to help save the MEOE - the Hungarian Kennel Club by this petition The MEOE has ...a long tradition, established in 1899, of Pedigreeregistration, FCI International Shows, Breed clubs and all kind of canine activities for the benefits of its members !....Let us stand together and show the Hungarian Government how many people that supports this club all over the world !!
Sincerely, We ask all members of the FCI to help save the MEOE - the Hungarian Kennel Club by this petition The MEOE has a long tradition, established in 1899, of Pedigreeregistration, FCI International Shows, Breed clubs and all kind of canine activities for the benefits of its members !....Let us stand together and show the Hungarian Government how many people that supports this club all over the world !! ......
The Hungarian Government wants to control dog breeding in Hungary. Only organizations approved by the Government are allowed to make pedigrees, arrange shows and judge.

Everyone else not approved is NOT allowed and will be penalized with very high fines. The government does not want to approve the Meoe ! and FCI does not want to approve any other organization in Hungary than the Meoe.

So if no solution before 15. May 2012 the Meoe is not able to run a club and FCI will have no activities in Hungary any more !! ….
We are in chock that a government is able to do this and think it is has nothing to do with European democracy !! The Meoe have existed since 1899 so a very long tradition and history that we will not accept to loose in the FCI !! …That is why we are asking all members of FCI – especially the European members to help in this fight and save the Meoe !
Who knows this could easily spread to other eastern European countries with the loss of many fine breeders, gene poles and shows ! 

We must try to do our best to help the Meoe!

Also contact your national kennel Club to ask what kind of actions they are taking.
Thank you for signing the petition to help save the MEOE .
Imagine it was your kennel club this was happening to - imagine you could no longer have your dogs registred in FCI by your kennel club as it did no longer exsist !!......Imagine you could no longer attend a FCI show in you country !!....Imagine all you national judges could no longer judge !!....Imagine your native breeds could no longer get an FCI pedigree !!....Imagine you could no longer export the dogs you have breed to other FCI countries !!..... Please help sharing this petiton by sharing on Facebook, Twitter on your Kennel Club website or you local breed Club - we want as many as possible to be able to show their support - thank you so much ! 

And another viewpoint can be found on this excellent article on Inside-Dobermann Blog:

It is 1956 again in Hungary!

Magyar Ebtenyésztők Országos Egyesülete
 1899 - 2012?

Can you imagine a government banning and closing down national
 kennel club?
Can you imagine the government sending special operation forces,
 with weapons, to raid your kennel club,
 to obtain the breeding database?
Can you imagine a government punishing all breed clubs
 with big fines?
Can you imagine a government taking away all dog shows and
 purebreed activities?

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