Sunday, April 1, 2012

Bailey Passes First Leg of Senior Hunt Test

Some of the most frequently asked questions about judging concern the scoring method. Judges must remember that in order for a dog to earn a Qualifying score, it must receive an average of 7 for the entire test, with no ability category scored below 5. For example, a Junior hunting dog could score perfect 10s in three categories and not qualify if the score in the fourth category was below 5.
Another frequently asked question is how do you determine what score from 0 to 10 you should give in any category. “Guidelines for Scoring AKC Pointing Breed Hunting Tests” is provided at the end of this booklet. These Guidelines are meant to provide greater consistency in scoring.
A reasonable approach is for the judge to determine if the dog should qualify in an ability category, which would mean a minimum score of 5. The Judge then determines whether the ability exceeds or falls short of a 5, progressing toward a perfect 10. Knowing the dog must have an average of 7, the Judge then considers whether it earned a 7 or higher. With a 5, the dog would have to make up the average of 7 by scoring higher than 7 in other categories.
A judge might want to compare the scores to grades received in school. A 7 would then be comparable to a passing grade of “C.” An 8 would be a “B,” a 9 would be an “A” and 10 would be an “A+”.

Ken and Bailey at the starting line of the 30 minute brace

Bailey on point and Ken and gunners getting in position

Ken gives Bailey a "whoa" before sending the bird into the air

Wouldn't have been done without the help of Ken

Just came home from Bailey's passing his first leg of Senior Hunt Test at the Sutter Buttes Pointer Club event. 12 dogs entered and only Bailey and 1 other dog passed. 

Yesterday only 1 in 12 dogs passed in the driving cold spring rain that blew through with winds over 40 mph. It was miserable to say it lightly.

Feels good. 9 attempts before on my own as Bailey's handler. 9 times we failed. Yesterday and today I let Ken take the boy out. We'll do it again next weekend at the German Wirehair Pointer Club of Northern California event. Out in a field doing a hunt test on the day before and Easter day. A wide-open field in nature with good people, dogs, and horses. Nice church if you ask me.

Bailey happy to see Ken and Janet.  Great sign.
Bailey is back with Ken for a week more of tune-up. We are getting there.

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