Thursday, March 1, 2012

Vizsla Hill Hikes

 It is really a good time to join fellow Vizsla owners hiking the hills around the eastern side of the San Francisco Bay Area.
Almost every evening from Spring through Fall, I walk the hills around the East Bay. 
 One of the joys is sharing these walks with Vizsla owners that might not have experienced these off-the-beaten path trails before.
There is something special about watching red-haired Vizslas against green hills.
Some of the vistas lately have been spectacular.
 Bailey finds a tree he chose to climb.  It was eight feet up to where he liked hanging out.  We laughed as we came up on the below sight.


  1. Bailey is a really "Buff" boy isn't he! My Ozkar is built in a similar way, just a lean ball of muscle, sinew and drive! :)

  2. Great, how can I join the SF Vizsla Group
