Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Next Generation Red Bird Dogs

The pups are growing up.  The litter Bailey and Sophie had last spring are now 7 months old.  We wrote to the owners and asked how things were going.  Here was one of the responses.  I have been around Belle (Julie's little hunter) Fawkes (the only male of the litter).  Both are great dogs with wonderful personalities.  Belle, when we went into the field shows great hunting potential.

We contacted the other three owners.  They are all doing very well in their new homes.  This was one of the letters and a few pictures.
" Roxie, aka "Sprout", is an absolute delight! Not only is she beautiful, but has been great with every child, baby and dog. We take her out to exercise twice a day. She has lots of friends in the neighborhood. Every evening we go over to the school and there are 10-20 dogs that she runs and wrestles with. We completed Puppy 1 and Puppy 2 class so she knows all the obedient tricks. She has been a really great dog, super smart, affectionate and obedient. Knock on wood...she hasn't chewed anything up. Oh, I take that back..

.Our son was reading one of his teacher's books the 2nd day of school. He got up to get a snack and Roxie chewed the the spine. We had to buy the teacher a new book. Other than that we follow your words, "a tired Vizsla is a good Vizsla". She goes to football and baseball games with us. It will be interesting to see how she does in the snow this winter. We bought her a nice fun coat at TJ Maxx. "

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