Saturday, August 27, 2011

Master Hunt Test = TOUGH!

Went out today to Hastings Island and entered and ran Bailey in a Master Hunt Test run.  These 45-minute walking field tests are judged by two horse-mounted AKC-certified judges.  Everything is overseen by a horseback-mounted field marshall.

Judges expect the dog and handler to do everything very close to perfect.  The performance has to be exceptional to get a pass.

It is a MASTER HUNTING DOG TITLE after all.  The standards are set very high. 

This was our third attempt out this month.  We have not successfully passed yet but will try again tomorrow. 

To get the title, we need get SIX passes.

This may take us a long time.  That's ok.  We've got plenty of time.  

 Wanting to be the best sure ain't easy.

Section 3. Master Hunting Test.

 A Master hunting dog must give a finished performance and demonstrate clearly that it deserves to be qualified as such.

This is the complete hunting companion that any hunter would be proud to own.

It must be under its handler’s control at all times, and handle kindly, with an absolute minimum of noise and hacking by the handler. A Master hunting dog must show a keen desire to hunt, must have a bold and attractive manner of running, and must demonstrate not only intelligence in seeking objectives, but also the ability to find game. The dog must hunt for its handler at all times at a range suitable for a handler on foot, and should show or check in front of its handler frequently. It must cover adequate ground but never range out-of-sight for a length of time that would detract from its usefulness as a practical hunting companion. The dog must locate game, must point staunchly, and must be steady to wing and shot on all birds and if it breaks, it cannot receive a Qualifying score. Intelligent use of the wind and terrain in locating game, accurate nose, and intensity on point are essential. Whenever it encounters its bracemate on point, it must honor. A dog that steals its bracemate’s point cannot receive a Qualifying score.

A Master hunting dog must positively demonstrate its steadiness to wing and shot. All birds that are pointed by the Master dog in a bird field must be shot where safety allows. If gunning is being done on course, all birds pointed on course must be shot where safety allows. Gunning must be done by Official Guns only. A legitimate attempt to retrieve all downed birds must be made. Conditions such as the type of cover, where the birds landed, the terrain, and the condition of the downed bird, sometimes make a retrieve impossible and this should not reflect negatively on the score of the Master dog. All killed birds must be retrieved promptly, tenderly and absolutely to hand. The handler shall not command or signal the dog to retrieve until positive steadiness has been demonstrated.


  1. Good luck, buddy! Although I can't officially verify this number, a friend said that the average number of attempts to successfully complete MH was 13. It's far from easy, and there is a fair amount of luck also involved.

    But it'll come! Hang in there.


  2. One day we hope to be running for the same goal. We will see how senior goes this year. I need to get our training butt in gear, and my own so I can keep up.
