Thursday, June 30, 2011

DNA - Vizslas and Cancer Research

The CHCC (Canine Hereditary Cancer Consortium) is an unprecedented alliance of researchers, veterinarians, physicians and dog owners who are taking advantage of new genetic resources and technologies to learn how the DNA of dogs affected with cancer varies from that of the DNA of healthy, unaffected dogs.
No dogs are kept for research; we use only samples from dogs with naturally occurring disease. This research is funded by the National Cancer Institute as well as by corporate sponsorship.

Vizslas are currently included in two of our studies: melanoma and lymphoma. Samples from affected dogs stored at the CHIC repository have been utilized, along with samples submitted by Vizsla owners directly from their affected dogs.

All samples are strictly confidential; no identifying information about dogs or owners is ever released or published.

We also need samples from healthy Vizslas who do NOT have either melanoma or lymphoma, to serve as controls. We will be happy to send buccal (cheek brush) DNA collection kits at owners’ request. The kits are very user friendly, easy to do at home, and include prepaid return mailers.

To participate in the study, please email the following information to Dr. Roe Froman DVM :

Owner’s name:


Names of your pure bred vizslas available for cheek swab sampling

Your participation is needed to help us develop new genetic screens, diagnostic tests, and treatments for canine cancers, as well as helping us to gain insight into the biology of human disease. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

 Last year, I participated in the DNA testing of "the pointing gene" by the same group in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Very good people who have great love for our canine companions.  Do it if you can.


  1. Hi Rod. Thank you for posting this! I have a vizsla and am originally from the Bay Area, so I read your blog frequently. I now work in the canine lab at Van Andel in Michigan and we really appreciate all the support!

  2. Angela,

    How is the "pointing gene" research going? Never heard back from last year.

    Fantastic stuff your colleagues and you are doing.

