Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bite? Got Teeth!

The Yahoo group "Vizsla Talk" is a great Vizsla discussion site.

Gathering of Vizsla owners in the SF Bay area at the end of a Vizsla Walk
  A couple days ago, I thought "Vizslas as guard dogs" stories might make an interesting discussion thread.  Several Vizsla owners posted to the board some of their stories. 
Here is one of my favorites:

"I have enjoyed reminiscing about the alert and "guard" tendencies of our wiggle-butt dogs. This morning I woke up and remembered another Rosie story.

I was teaching evening classes at a community center in a poor/rough part of town. Rosie always went to class with me - she lounged under a table as I lectured, and then played social
butterfly during our breaks. During one week of instruction, I switched classes with another instructor, which meant I taught a much later evening class.

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When I got to the community center that night, I found the entrance to the parking lot was blocked off - the parking lot was being repaved. I ended up having to park 2 blocks away from the
center and, in order to get to get to class, Rosie and I had to walk through a freeway underpass. Fear of being late for class was foremost on my mind.

 I was not paying my usual attention to my surroundings so we were half way through the underpass before I realized that vandals had broken most of the lights.
 Just as I realized how dark it was, Rosie, who was at my side in "heel position" - stepped slightly in front of me and halted my progress.

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When a voice in the darkness said, "Nice dog," I realized that there was a man crouched in one of the cement recesses of the underpass.

 I could not see him clearly but I could smell "booze" from where I stood. Rosie stood at my feet leaning against me - I could feel the vibration of her low growls against my legs.
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 When the voice in the darkness inquired, "Bite?"
I replied "Got teeth!"
I will never forget the sound of the man's cackling laughter echoing through the underpass.

His comment, "I watch your van." took me by surprise until I realized he was offering a service.

I thanked him and told Rose to walk on.

 As we exited the underpass, I leaned down, patted Rose, and told her what a good dog she was. Her silly wiggle-butt bouncing response made my own laughter echo in the night."

Pam (Aunty Frog)

See the world through AuntyFrog's eyes

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