Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hunting with Bailey using a GPS tracker

One thing about owning a "big-running" bird dog is that Bailey is often "out of sight."

The Vizsla rust-colored coat blends in perfectly with the fall landscape.

In a field trial, a new rule allows for the dog to wear a tracking collar, but the hand-held receiver can not be activated unless the dog is lost.

In that situation the dog is out of the contest anyway. 

Many dogs have been lost for hours or days during field trial events.  Some never have been found. 

A wise investment is a quality GPS dog tracking system.  The best is the Garmin.

So before our South Dakota hunting trip, I am getting a Garmin Astro with G30 tracking collar for Bailey.

Garmin Astro GPS Dog Tracking System

In high brush or cover, Bailey could be "on point" and I wouldn't see him.  I could actually walk right by him and he wouldn't move from his point.

With a GPS locating device attached to Bailey's collar and a hand-held receiver in my pocket, not only will I know where Bailey is, but also, I'll know where the heck I am since the hand-held unit has a full functioning GPS system installed.

1 comment:

  1. Another cool feature is that you can download other maps onto it (with the addition of a MicroSD memory chip) - and with South Dakota being so much better at encouraging hunters, they have all the walk in and public access hunting areas on a GPS download so you can know exactly where they are and if you are still within a boundary! How cool is that! It also gives a tone when Bailey or Hank or Scarlet points too. Great device - you won't be sorry!
