Sunday, March 28, 2010

Pacific Vizsla Futurity

Quite the weekend in the foothills of California. The weather was fantastic. Where this event is held is one of the most wonderful places in California. More pictures and stories later.

Bailey did great in the Pacific Vizsla Futurity. He ran the hills very well and found and pointed two birds.

One of the best performances he has ever given me. He was a joy to work with in among the oaks, rolling hills, and interesting rock croppings of Kistler Ranch.

The caliber of the competition was such that Bailey did not place in the top four places. He, I was sure, was in the upper half of the pack with his run and finds.

This weekend at Kistler Ranch marked the one-year anniversary of my first field trial. Bailey and I have come a long way in this sport.

A later post will be about Bailey being one of five dogs selected as having a "natural point." He had blood drawn after the field trial for his DNA. This is for a research project to find the "pointing gene in pointing breeds." More on this later. During my Germany and England trip, the researchers have asked me to find pointing breeds and take saliva samples of pointing dogs I encounter for the research.

This is exciting but this is for another post. I am tired from a long weekend.

Below is a post from Ken Kuivenhoven, the creator and director of the first-ever Pacific Vizsla Futurity. These were the 17 "best" two-year old and under Vizslas in the West.

"The running is done and the judges have deemed their placements for the inaugural running of the Pacific Vizsla Futurity.

Before announcing the placements, I would like to especially thank a few key individuals who really stuck with it and truly helped bring this to fruition.

In no hierarchy of importance, my wife Janet has been absolutely devoted to the task. Though we are both exhausted, we are also fueled for the event to continue and improve.
Nancy Colwell, without whom we would not have achieved success - from inception she supported the concept and helped with everything from securing and re-securing judges to the porta-potty arrival - I cannot thank her enough.

Tiffany Jorgens who stood the test of time and rode hard all day for us without complaint, planting birds and finding wayward dogs.

Rod Michaelson whose generous donation to the trophy fund was immeasurable, whose unwavering upbeat support and willingness to help with any task that needed doing beyond exemplary.
Bonita Austin whose ferrying dogs from MO to her home in Utah then on to CA with a couple great kids in tow truly supported the event and her fellow Field trialers at considerable expense I'm sure both monetarily and the time and effort.

Gordon Strohmeier who quietly works around the trial in the most inconspicuous manner as to be easily overlooked, ensuring water is always available for dog or horse and a helping hand always a moment away.
Our judges Joan Heimback and Ellis Herz who traveled long distances and were very pleased to be rewarded with the outstanding caliber of dogs that were presented to them and of course all the participants and breeders who submitted nominations and brought their dogs for us all to see.

Seventeen dogs ran the event.

Dawnacres Ruffcut Diamong "Chip" M - Handler Richard Spacarelli

1st runner up:
Dawnacres Dizzy Izzy "Izzy" F - Handler Richard Spaccarelli

2nd runner up:
Shiloh's Hillbillie Jazzman "Jasper" M - Handler Bonita Austin

3rd runner up:
Willowynd's Scarlet Letter "Scarlet" F - Handler Janet Kuivenhoven

Congratulations to all participants and breeders. It was a great experience to be able to witness such class dogs running on such beautiful grounds and great camaraderie brought forth by our red dogs."


1 comment:

  1. Hey Bailey...well're a real credit to your Dad & to Vizslak generally! Tell your Dad that he can collect loads of saliva from Rio & me when he comes to the UK...we'll lick him to bits...hee, hee!!
