Sunday, January 31, 2010

Vizslas along the Straits

Saturday morning and the rain kept coming. We found a peaceful morning break in the weather but the trails we love to walk on were all just extreme mud. Back up plan on mornings like this is "Carquinez Straits Scenic Road".

2.2 miles of blocked off and falling apart asphalt. We came across dozens of walkers, joggers, mountain bikers, and others with their dogs off leash. There is this little pond which is off limits. We are going to get in trouble one day.

All this walking, running and swimming has gotten both dogs in great shape. Since I go along, I am now in the best shape I have been in since my mid 30's. Now I'm in my mid 50's.
Chloe has slimmed down nicely with a combination of being on the "princess diet" and exercise. Bailey is all muscle and is ready for another field trial next weekend in Los Banos against those darn German Shorthair Pointers.

1 comment:

  1. Rod: good luck to you and Bailey! show those GSPs who's boss! On a different tangent, to place at an all-breed trial is a real credit to your dog. I've never really understood closing adult stakes, especially, to a single breed.

    Get out there, have fun, and enjoy yourselves!

