Sunday, November 22, 2009

Little Mister Sunshine

Well, Bailey and I spent the weekend at the German Wirehair Pointer Club field trial in the wonderful foothills of the Sierras around Sonora.

There were 9 dogs in Open Derby (Under 2-year-olds). Five German shorthairs and four Vizslas. "Open" allows for professional handlers. This was a horseback handled field trial so all contestant's were upon their mounts. I borrowed a friend's horse for the event.

All the other eight dogs were handled by professionals or long-time field trial folk riding their own steeds.

We came home from the weekend and I felt every bit the amateur I am.

Can I compete against much more knowledgable handlers? Can Bailey compete against stronger and tougher dogs?

I guess I have to believe in the Hollywood heroine pictured below to carry on.


  1. Good job! Bailey is looking very strong & handsome. Love that area, we have spent a lot of time in Immigrant Wilderness and that's about 20 miles from Sonora.

  2. Rod: don't give up! As much as it is numbers game, you can a) try to ride as many braces as possible to see how the pros do it, b) take riding lessons so your horsemanship doesn't let your dog down, and c) the devoting temperament of the vizsla may be the single factor that gives vizsla owners and handlers the edge over pros. At this year's National Field Trial, while a pro handled Lotto to a repeat win, amateurs took 2nd and 3rd. And it was close.

    all best

  3. Thanks Andrew for the encouragement. No giving up here. We will get better. Bailey is completely devoted to me and I believe he'd follow me through the gates of hell if that was what I asked of him. I need to get smarter so he will know what I want. I also need to learn what the judges want. I'm learning it isn't always the same trial to trial.
    Great news that amateures took 2nd and 3rd at the Nationals.
