Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hey, those are Vizslas!

It is a magical time in the area today. We has some rain come through yesterday and clear out the air. The sky is deep blue with wisps of high clouds floating by.

It has been a perfect morning for a walk, so after getting tires on the Jeep, we headed up to the top of Briones Road for an hour walk. Great warm sun and moist soft earth that is turning the greenest of green.

Bailey and Chloe had a great time in my favorite upland valley, running and playing in the meadows and also running full out through the canyons and ridges.

Heading home, we were coming down the ridge road and off to the left I looked and told Joanie, "Hey, those are Vizslas! You want to stop."

We stopped on the side of the road by the gate and I yelled out to the couple walking down the path away from the gate, "can our Vizslas join yours in your walk?"
"You have Vizslas?" They yelled back to us as we got out of the Jeep.
Susie and Mike live in the neighboring town of Martinez and own Bella, a sweet young Vizsla. They are dog sitting another female. I missed her name.
When I opened the back door of the Jeep, Chloe and Bailey jumped down and ran up
to Susie and Mike's dogs.
The four dogs acted as if they were long lost friends that had so much to catch up

We humans had a great half hour walk as the dogs ran and played. As you look at the pictures, you might be able to see the complete joy in these dogs' faces.

Great morning. Bailey and Chloe even got to scare up some pigeons on the way back to the road.


  1. Nice Photos Rod, and it was great meeting you all on the trail.

    Mike and Susie

  2. hi there, i think those sleeping bags are fantastic! can't believe they haven't got them here yet proper, this is england after all, and where you think california may get chilly, wow...

  3. ps: this is from VIGO
    Radio was my previous Vizsla.
