Saturday, October 17, 2009

Into the "wild"

Came home after a tough week at work and sat on the couch.

Chloe and Bailey came up to me with a look that said, "Where we going today dad?"

So I loaded up the mountain bike in the back of the truck and off we went to the top of Briones Road out of Martinez.

After parking the truck it was a slow and relaxed ride up the trails to one of my favorite open spaces.

Riding a mountain bike into the "wilds" of a SF Bay Area regional park on a Friday afternoon with my Vizslas is a great way to end the week.

No matter how bad the work week has been, getting out away from everything with the "kids" is great for the soul.

Sometimes we go out on rides with others and sometimes it is just the three of us.

I don't remember a walk or a ride this year that I have not enjoyed and come back home in better spirits. Fall rains came mid-week and made for a great ride on the trails just west of home.

The dogs have a great time running free in the open spaces. We had the valleys and plains to ourselves yesterday.

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