Saturday, August 22, 2009

Field Trial Sleeplessness

 It's 5 AM  I'm up and blogging. Today is the last field trial of the year for Bailey and I didn't sleep well last night.

I posted back in June to the Vizsla Field Trial Yahoo group on how exciting I find this sport.  One response was:

"Welcome to an addiction that is more potent than any narcotic. If you ever loose the thrill of watching a dog work then quit.
Personally I still get excited each time I put a dog down (in to the field)."

This is only the sixth month we have been involved in training Bailey as a bird dog.  Today is our fifth field trial since the first Spring Vizsla Trial and the 9th and 10th braces.

The event today will be the German Shorthair Pointers Club of Northern Sacramento Valley's Walking Field Trial.

The field of dogs will be several German Shorthair Pointers, Brittany Spaniels, Vizslas, and a Gordon Setter, an English Setter

Bailey is entered into Open Derby (14 dogs) and we run the 4th brace today against Maysie, a female Brittany Spaniel (like the one pictured above).  These dogs are fast and very intelligent bird dogs that have exceptional noses. A French hunting dog from the provenance of Brittney, they came over the the US in the 40's as GI's brought them home from the Continent.

Joanie asked me why they have us against a Brittany.  All the dogs names are put in a hat and it is a blind draw that lets you know what brace you are in and what dog you run with.

About an hour later, Bailey will run again in the 2nd brace against Sonny, a male Brittany Spaniel, in the Open Puppy stake (11 dogs).

The temperatures today are going to be in the mid 90's and humid. 

Bailey is ready.  He had a good breakfast of kibble, liver, wheat germ oil and a little cod liver oil.
I used to wonder if Bailey gets excited about these events.  Now I know he gets excited also.

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