Sunday, July 26, 2009

So is Bailey "that good?"

Here in Cotati, California I stand by the the small garden of the farm workers with 13-month-old Bailey. We are ready for more "green breaking" training.

Bailey is so excited he trembles at the idea of working birds.

Bailey is pointing his second bird out of the three planted by Joe just a few minutes earlier.

I was concerned going up to Oregon for the Trail's End Vizsla Club because the last time out in Reno, Bailey's nose failed him on the final Sunday. His nose worked great this day. He was finding the birds at full speed and slamming on the brakes. Pointing strong and steady.

Again like last weekend, I was to hold Bailey as Joe flushed the bird. This week was 100% better than last weekend. Bailey accepts the idea that his job is to hold as the bird is flushed.

Kay Ingle was taking the pictures and later was working Bailey's sister, Nikki with Joe in the fields. Kay is Bailey's breeder.

At the end of the 30 minute session, Joe tells me I have good news and bad news.

"Good news is Bailey is the best Vizsla he has ever worked with "by far" and one of the best dogs he has worked with. With work he has championship abilities."

"Bad news is that you shouldn't hunt Bailey this season because it would be a negitive on his field trials."

I agreed immediately that I would forgo a year of hunting for the chance to campaign Bailey in field trials in the West.

OK. I've got a great bird dog. Next post will be after the field trials in Portland.

We'll be taking the week off starting Tuesday to take a vacation trip in the motor home. Been a very long time since we took a summer vacation.

Dog trials will give Joanie and I a great reason to see the country.

Best of all worlds, dogs, great places, and very neat people.

Having a great time.